Burns are basically damage to the skin caused by fire, heat, chemicals, or electrical shocks. Burns are classified under three degrees: first, second, or third degree burns. First-degree burns sway only the outer layer of the skin. They may cause pain, redness, and swelling, but are actually curable. Second-degree burns sway both the outer and fundamental layers of skin. They cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering, are more serious and take longer to heal, and can leave scar tissue. Third degree burns may sway all layers of the skin, the muscles, the bones, blood vessels, and the nerves. Third degree burns are considered a healing emergency, as scarring is permanent and death may also result. In a separate categories are burns caused by electricity and chemicals. Electrical burns may be deceptive as even in cases where damage to the skin is minimal, internal injuries may be full, and complicated. This record deals only with minor burns. If in doubt of the degree of a burn, treat it as a severe burn.
Some vitamins, herbs, or other healing foods are considered beneficial in treating minor burns. Immediately after receiving a minor burn, apply cold water (not ice water) for any minutes. After the burn has been cooled by water for any minutes, apply one of the following: aloe vera, baking soda & egg white, banana, birch, blueberry, burdock, calendula, carrots, chamomile, chickweed, comfrey, echinacea, elderberry, flaxseed, ginger, honey, lavender, milk, mullein, okra, onion, potato, radish, raspberry, sage, shavegrass, slick elm, sunflower, tea tree, or thyme. After rehabilitation with one of the aforementioned, apply vitamin E and cover with a sterile bandage. It may also be helpful to take herbal and oatmeal baths, to aid in healing. Never break blisters.
Birch Management
Taking determined supplements may help the body with the healing process. These include: B complex, beta-carotene, C, calcium & magnesium, D, E, potassium, selenium, and zinc. A high calorie, high protein diet is also recommended.
Call 911 if the burn is full, (the size of your palm or larger) or severe, the burn is caused by chemicals or electricity, the victim has inhaled smoke or shows signs of shock, or if you are not sure how serious it is.
Disclaimer: This record is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as determination or rehabilitation of a condition qoute or as a substitute for consulting a licensed healing professional.
What's Good For Minor Burns?
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